Upkar Welfare Foundation

Free Ration Distribution during Covid-19

Free ration distribution takes a stand among all the philanthropic activities which we are carrying on with utmost zeal and passion. While we dedicate our energy and effort into carrying out a spate of relief work, we intend to encompass free ration distribution into the smorgasbord of philanthropic events. 

We, at Upkar Welfare Foundation, have been focused on the free ration distribution whenever the situation has presented itself. 

During the time when we provided relief work after any natural calamity, we come forward with free ration distributions for domestic help, daily wage communities and workers in various non systematic sectors. We have even made our earnest endeavors to support the jobless with necessary free ration distribution. 

Along with free ration distribution, we are moving on with our plans to donate other bare minimum essentials such as blankets, masks and other stuff associated with the daily necessities of life. 

It is a specific time where the pandemic has taken a toll on thousands of lives across the country. We will, therefore, appeal to the generous  and well to do members of the society to come forward and oblige with their contributions.

You make a living by what you get, but you can make a life by what you give

Sharing is caring; as the adage goes. When you give something, it shows that you care for humanity. It is a great gesture and by doing so you can become part of a communal experience. When you share, you ignite a trail and others will follow suit. This way, you can take your first step to make the world a better place. With your action, you can spread undiluted happiness. 

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