Upkar Welfare Foundation

Child Participation

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Children of any origin and social strata should rejoice the privilege and liberty to render an active role in any sort or meaningful as well as holistic activity, leading to a productive and positive future.   

Child participation stands as a unique component of CRC or convention on the rights of the child. CRC empowers kids or children to convey their thoughts and feelings freely. 

We tend to give adequate attention to this aspect and make sure that things proceed with utmost precision.

Through our activities, we intend to make them part of everything which they should be part of. We implement aspects to helm the position of children in the society. We choose to take care of the issues as well as concerns of the kids. Creating an environment of positive reinforcement is what comes to our mind in the first place. 

There are several aspects or capabilities which we intend to amp up in every child through the options of child participation. The capabilities which we would like to see in every child would be like:

  • The sense of accountability
  • Increased efficiency 
  • Transparency 
  • Responsiveness 
  • Ownership to the work entrusted 

Through our intrinsic and value driven steps, we strive to improve the lives of thousands of children, scattered in various parts of the city. Till date, we have reached quite a significant number of children and we expect to help more in future years to come. We are pinning hopes to do our best to reach the remotest parts of our city as well as our state with our program.

We take good care of the fact that children of different age groups can be part of proper healthcare and educational facilities. We do our best to ameliorate vulnerable children from any kind of abuse. When kids become active parts of our child protection programs, they start getting standard amenities which they were bereft of previously. We also take care of issues like child malnutrition through our child protection programs. 

Children from various age groups can obtain access to a whole bunch of benefits such as: 

  • Proper facilities pertaining to malnutrition will be catered to the kids in need. 
  • Detection facilities will be available for them to take advantage of. 
  • Innumerable lives will be saved from untoward ailments and situations.  
  • Hunger will be eradicated from the lives of those children who are not privileged. 
  • Children will have special support in the event of natural disasters. 

With an assortment of integrated services and support systems, we empower the children to wriggle out of the complicated situations which they have been thrown into. By putting them in a proper atmosphere of innovative learning, we urge them to evolve and emerge as the responsible citizens of the future.

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